Saturday, March 1, 2014

Unforeseeable Outcomes

So I wake up in the middle of the night to a large crashing sound thinking it is a noisy  snowplow in the city.  With further investigation I discover a poor VW pushed out of it's parking spot up on the curb.  There were tracks in the snow but no other car in sight accept the few parts they left behind.  Random incidents like this make me think about how uncontrollable life really is.  If this person would of parked one spot over the crash may have never happened.

How do you make choices if you never know the unforeseeable outcome?

Every decision you make do you think about all the possible outcomes?

Do you just prepare for the worse and handle what ever happens?

The hardest choices to make are for your children.  To see a child injured, sick or upset is the biggest heart ache a parent can have.

For me I weigh the odds and take a little risk.  Sometimes more risk than needed but then you have a great story to tell later in life.

Sir Zimbrakman

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